Grants and Publications

Funding for the future

National Great Rivers has a diverse research program spanning several disciplines, from wildlife ecology, environmental chemistry, and terrestrial ecology to freshwater policy. While National Great Rivers receives primary support from the Illinois Environmental Protection Agency, our researchers have received numerous competitive grants from a wide variety of funding sources, including the Illinois Department of Natural Resources, the US Army Corps of Engineers, the US Fish and Wildlife Service, the Walton Family Foundation and many more. Our work results in publications in peer-reviewed journals and regular agency reports, which are cataloged below.

2024 Publications

Allen, M. L., L. A. Kammin, L. R. LaBarge. 2024. “First Verified Documentation of a Fisher in Illinois Since the American Civil War.” Prairie Naturalist Notes 56: N15-N19.

  • Abstract: Pekania pennanti (Fisher) are mustelids that mainly occupy forested habitats across northern North America. After European colonization, Fisher distribution was halved due to extensive trapping, logging, and habitat conversion for agriculture. Now Fishers are expanding into many suitable portions of their historical distribution, aided by active reintroduction programs, albeit with uneven success. Illinois is one part of the midwestern U.S.A. in which Fishers have not yet re-established themselves, with the last known individuals being documented in the 1850s. Here we report the first verified Fisher in Illinois since that time, killed by a vehicle collision in Rockford, Illinois. This three-year-old male is of unknown origin, but likely from the nearest self-sustaining population in Wisconsin (~190km away). We discuss this finding in the context of what is known of Fisher’s recent expansion and their ability to colonize other portions of midwestern North America.

Deak, A.L., M.S. Lucash, M.R. Coughlan, S. Weiss, and L.C.R. Silva. 2024. “Prescribed Fire Placement Matters More Than Increasing Frequency and Extent in a Simulated Pacific Northwest Landscape.” Ecosphere 15: e4827.

  • Abstract: Prescribed fire has been increasingly promoted to reduce wildfire risk and restore fire-adapted ecosystems. Yet, the complexities of forest ecosystem dynamics in response to disturbances, climate change, and drought stress, combined with myriad social and policy barriers, have inhibited widespread implementation. Using the forest succession model LANDIS-II, we investigated the likely impacts of increasing prescribed fire frequency and extent on wildfire severity and forest carbon storage at local and landscape scales. Specifically, we ask how much prescribed fire is required to maintain carbon storage and reduce the severity and extent of wildfires under divergent climate change scenarios? We simulated four prescribed fire scenarios (no prescribed fire, business-as-usual, moderate increase, and large increase) in the Siskiyou Mountains of northwest California and southwest Oregon. At the local site scale, prescribed fires lowered the severity of projected wildfires and maintained approximately the same level of ecosystem carbon storage when reapplied at a ~15-year return interval for 50-year simulations. Increased frequency and extent of prescribed fire decreased the likelihood of aboveground carbon combustion during wildfire events. However, at the landscape scale, prescribed fire did not decrease the projected severity and extent of wildfire, even when large increases (up to 10× the current levels) of prescribed fire were simulated. Prescribed fire was most effective at reducing wildfire severity under a climate change scenario with increased temperature and precipitation and on sites with north-facing aspects and slopes greater than 30°. Our findings suggest that placement matters more than frequency and extent to estimate the effects of prescribed fire, and that prescribed fire alone would not be sufficient to reduce the risk of wildfire and promote carbon sequestration at regional scales in the Siskiyou Mountains. To improve feasibility, we propose targeting areas of high concern or value to decrease the risk of high-severity fire and contribute to meeting climate mitigation and adaptation goals. Our results support strategic and targeted landscape prioritization of fire treatments to reduce wildfire severity and increase the pace and scale of forest restoration in areas of social and ecological importance, highlighting the challenges of using prescribed fire to lower wildfire risk.

Grady J.M., Q.D. Read, S. Record, N. Rüger, P.L. Zarnetske, A.I. Dell, S.P. Hubbell, S.T. Michaletz, A. Shenkin, & B.J. Enquist. 2024. Life history scaling and the division of energy in forests. Journal of Ecology 112 (3) 487-500.

  • Abstract: The competition for light has long been regarded as a key axis of niche partitioning that promotes forest diversity, but available evidence is contradictory. Despite strong tradeoffs between growth and survival with light, field tests suggest neutral forces govern tree composition across forest gaps and resource use across size classes. Here we integrate scaling and niche theory, and use data from >114,000 woody plants in a tropical, old growth forest to test and predict patterns of niche partitioning with size and light. Consistent with predictions, the relative abundance, production, light capture, and richness of species in life histories with fast growth follow a power law relationship, increasing 1–2 orders of magnitude along a solar and size gradient. Competitive neutrality between size classes emerges above the sapling layer, where increasing access to light is counterbalanced by stronger self-shading. Convergent power law patterns of resource partitioning across taxa and spatial scale suggest general life history tradeoffs drive the organization of diverse communities.

Green, E.T, A.I. Dell, J.A. Crawford, E.G. Biro, D.R. Daversa. 2024. “Trait variation in patchy landscapes: Morphology of spotted salamanders (Ambystoma maculatum) varies more within ponds than between ponds.” PLoS ONE 19(4): e0299101.

  • Abstract: The influence of intraspecific trait variation on species interactions makes trait-based approaches critical to understanding eco-evolutionary processes. Because species occupy habitats that are patchily distributed in space, species interactions are influenced not just by the degree of intraspecific trait variation but also the relative proportion of trait variation that occurs within- versus between-patches. Advancement in trait-based ecology hinges on understanding how trait variation is distributed within and between habitat patches across the landscape. We sampled larval spotted salamanders (Ambystoma maculatum) across six spatially discrete ponds to quantify within- and between-pond variation in mass, length, and various metrics associated with their relationship (scaling, body condition, shape). Across all traits, within-pond variation contributed more to total observed morphological variation than between-pond variation. Between-pond variation was not negligible, however, and explained 20–41% of total observed variation in measured traits. Between-pond variation was more pronounced in salamander tail morphology compared to head or body morphology, suggesting that pond-level factors more strongly influence tails than other body parts. We also observed differences in mass-length relationships across ponds, both in terms of scaling slopes and intercepts, though differences in the intercepts were much stronger. Preliminary evidence hinted that newly constructed ponds were a driver of the observed differences in mass-length relationships and morphometrics. General pond-level difference in salamander trait covariation suggest that allometric scaling of morphological traits is context dependent in patchy landscapes. Effects of pond age offer the hypothesis that habitat restoration through pond construction is a driver of variation in trait scaling, which managers may leverage to bolster trait diversity.

Jesper, A.C., S.A. Eckert, S.A. Ballard, J.A. Crawford, and M.J. Dreslik. 2024. “Distribution and drivers of critical overwinter refugia for the Timber Rattlesnake (Crotalus horridus) in Illinois.” Endangered Species Research 53: 467-480.

  • Abstract: The dependency on hibernacula for extended periods presents terrestrial reptiles with the challenge of locating thermally adequate hibernacula each winter. Defining the habitat characteristics of hibernacula is crucial for understanding the overwintering requirements and distributions of hibernacula-dependent reptiles, alongside identifying habitats which warrant special conservation concern. Our objectives were to identify the overwintering habitat characteristics of the imperiled timber rattlesnake Crotalus horridus in Illinois, USA, and to determine the distribution of likely hibernacula habitats throughout the state. Due to the initial sparsity of hibernacula records in Illinois, we adopted an iterative habitat suitability modeling process consisting of 3 distinct rounds of Maxent construction and revision. Each round was informed with updated information from model-guided surveys or by building rapport with in-state naturalists and researchers who knew of additional hibernacula locations. We created our final model using 36 hibernacula and identified slope angle (indicative of rock outcrops and shallow soils), topographical position index, forest patch area, and aspect (decomposed into 2 linearized variables: southness and eastness) as important drivers of C. horridus hibernacula habitat in Illinois. Together, the 5 variables and site surveys suggest the suitable overwintering habitat for C. horridus in Illinois is located on south- to southwest-facing outcrops on upper slopes and ridges of larger forest patches. Such habitat is distributed primarily in southern Illinois and throughout the Mississippi River and Illinois River border counties. Our study adds to the current understanding of the species’ overwintering requirements and provides a foundation for future ecological studies, management, and survey efforts throughout Illinois.

Kessler, E.J., J.A. Crawford, W.E. Peterman, and D.J. Hocking. 2024. “Reproductive ecology of southern Pygmy Salamanders (Desmognathus wrighti) along an elevational gradient. Herpetologica 80: 117-123.

  • Abstract: Amphibian populations, including those of lungless salamanders (Plethodontidae), are susceptible to population declines, especially considering current and predicted climate change. Like many organisms, plethodontid salamanders exhibit reproductive plasticity to maximize population growth in response to environmental conditions. A better understanding of the external causes of reproductive plasticity can provide more accurate population models through the explicit incorporation of such drivers. To this end, we sampled Southern Pygmy Salamanders (Desmognathus wrighti) along a 1345-m elevational gradient in Great Smoky Mountains National Park, USA, to determine the effects of body size and elevation on reproductive investment. Using Bayesian mixed effects models, we assessed whether body size, elevation, or a combination of these factors best explained the probability an individual was gravid, the number of ova in gravid females, and the number of testis lobes in mature males. We found that the interaction of body size and elevation best explained each reproductive measure. Larger females were generally more likely to be gravid, with annual reproduction in fully mature females at low to mid-elevations and roughly biennial reproduction at high elevations. We also found a positive relationship between body size and ova counts at low and mid-elevations, but despite a reduction in reproductive frequency at higher elevations, we found no effect of body size on ova count. In addition, the addition of testis lobes, which has commonly been used as a proxy of age in plethodontid salamanders, occurred at larger body sizes with increasing elevation. Our findings support previous work showing a relationship between body size and reproductive ecology in desmognathine salamanders while providing insight into the complexity of this relationship in the context of elevational clines. Reproductive ecology significantly influences population dynamics; thus, further refinement of these observed patterns and their underlying causes is necessary to advance plethodontid salamander population ecology.

Crawford, J.A., J.L. Mohlman, M.J. Dreslik, A.R. Kuhns, and C.A. Phillips. 2024. “Final Report for T-129-R-1: Population Demography of Bird-voiced Treefrogs in southern Illinois.” NGRREC Technical Report 2024: 1–99.

Dreslik, M.J., R. Arnold, and J.A. Crawford. 2024. “Assessing the Status of Key Blanding’s Turtle Populations.” Illinois Natural History Survey Technical Report 2024(11): 1-142.

Shew, Justin J. 2024. “Land Conservation Specialist Program. Semi-annual Programmatic Reports.” USDA-IL-Natural Resources Conservation Service. Cooperative Agreement Award Identifying Number: NR235A12XXXXC002.

Shew, Justin J. 2024. “Land Conservation Specialist Program. Final Programmatic Report.” USDA-IL-Natural Resources Conservation Service. Cooperative Agreement Award Identifying Number: NR225A12XXXXC006.

Shew, Justin J. 2024. “Managing CRP for grassland birds.” Illinois Audubon Magazine. Spring.

Shew, Justin J. 2024. “NGRREC Habitat Strike Team at Natural Heritage Sites. Quarterly Programmatic Reports.” Illinois Department of Natural Resources – Division of Natural Heritage. Contract Number: 22NH0224.

Shew, Justin J. 2024. “NGRREC Habitat Strike Team at Natural Heritage Sites. Quarterly Programmatic Reports.” Illinois Department of Natural Resources – Division of Natural Heritage. Contract Number: LCCC2024.

Shew, Justin J. 2024. “NGRREC Habitat Strike Team: Supporting the State Wildlife Action Plan on Publicly Accessible Lands in the Confluence Region of Southwestern Illinois: Quarterly Programmatic and Final Reports.” 2020 (FY21) Illinois Department of Natural Resources Habitat Fund. Agreement No. 21-011H.

Shew, Justin J. 2024. “NGRREC Habitat Strike Team: Supporting the State Wildlife Action Plan on Publicly Accessible Lands in the Confluence Region of Southwestern Illinois. Quarterly Programmatic Reports.” 2022 (FY23) Illinois Department of Natural Resources Habitat Fund. Agreement No. 23010H.

Andrews Wright, K. 2024. “Now in three languages! Ahora en très idiomas! Teraz w trzech językach!” OutdoorIllinois Journal, August 1. idiomasteraz-w-trzech-jezykach/

Andrews Wright, K. 2024. “Focus Your Illinois State Fair Visit on New Fish Exhibits.” OutdoorIllinois Journal, August 1. your- illinois-state-fair-visit-on-new-fish-exhibits/

Andrews Wright, K. 2024. “A Voice for Anglers.” OutdoorIllinois Journal, August 1.

Andrews Wright, K. 2024. “CPOs the Frontline of Safeguarding Illinois’ Aquatic Ecosystems.” OutdoorIllinois Journal, August 1. the-frontline-of-safeguarding-illinois-aquatic-ecosystems/

Andrews Wright, K. 2024. “The Lower Mississippi River Bottomlands Natural Division: A Land of Rare and Unusual Animals.” OutdoorIllinois Journal, May 1. lower-mississippi-river- bottomlands-natural-division-a-land-of-rare-and-unusual-animals/

Andrews Wright, K. 2024 “The Lower Mississippi River Bottomlands Natural Division: A Land of Ecological Diversity and Distinct Habitats” OutdoorIllinois Journal, May 1. natural-division-a-land-of-ecological-diversity-and-distinct-habitats/

Andrews Wright, K. 2024. “How to Earn Bragging Rights.” OutdoorIllinois Journal, May 1. record-fish/

Andrews Wright, K. 2024. “A Brighter, Greener Future for Illinois: The IDNR Climate Action Plan.” OutdoorIllinois Journal, February 1. the-idnr-climate-action-plan/

Andrews Wright, K. 2024. “Baby, It’s Cold Outside.” OutdoorIllinois Journal, February 1.

Andrews Wright, K. 2024. “2024 Fishing Regulations Guide Available.” OutdoorIllinois Journal, February 1. guide-available/

Andrews Wright, K. 2024. “Fishing Has No Boundaries Develops Friendships.” OutdoorIllinois Journal, February 1. develops-friendships/

Kammin, L.A. 2024. “A Silver Lining to the 2023 Illinois Fisher Story.” OutdoorIllinois Journal, August 1. illinois-fisher-story/

Kammin, L.A. 2024. “Coyotes in the Classroom.” OutdoorIllinois Journal, August 1.

Kammin, L.A. 2024. “Ozark Natural Division: Places that Spark the Imagination.” OutdoorIllinois Journal, August 1. natural-division-places-that-spark-the-imagination/.

Kammin, L.A. 2024. “The Illinois Pollinators Website is the Bee’s Knees.” OutdoorIllinois Journal, May 1. website-is-the-bees-knees/

Kammin, LA. 2024. “Start with One Yard: Bringing Back Beneficial Insects.” OutdoorIllinois Journal, February 1. bringing-back-beneficial-insects/

Past Publications

  • Dreslik, M.J., J.M. Mui, J.A. Crawford, E.J. Kessler, and A.R. Kuhns. 2023. Conservation Strategy for Illinois Amphibian and Reptile Species in Greatest Conservation Need; Part 1 – Initial Conservation Assessments and Prioritizations. Illinois Natural History Survey Technical Report 2023(27):1–158.
  • Dreslik, M.J., J.A. Crawford, J.M. Mui, A.R. Kuhns, E.J. Kessler, S.A. Callahan, A.L. Colton, D.A. Edmonds, A.C.B. Jesper, S.M. LaGrange, B.C. Lorenzen, J.L. Mohlman, C.A. Phillips, T.M. Stewart, and E.L. Sunnucks. 2023. Final Report for T-113-R-1: Critical Conservation Issues and Adaptive Management of Imperiled Herpetofauna in Illinois. Illinois Natural History Survey Technical Report 2023(28):1–659.
  • Dreslik, M.J., P.W. Willink, J.S. Tiemann, J.L. Sherwood, A.J. Stites, J.M. Mui, E.J. Kessler, T.M. Stewart, D.A. Edmonds, A.C.B. Jesper, J.A. Crawford, A.R. Kuhns, and C.A. Phillips. 2023. Final Report for T-118-R-1: Conservation Actions for Dragonfly, Fish, and Reptile Species in Greatest Conservation Need. Illinois Natural History Survey Technical Report 2023(29):1–64.
  • Dreslik, M.J., E.J. Kessler, T.M. Stewart, Z.E. Perelman, J.M. Mui, and J.A. Crawford. 2023. Final Report for T-123-R-1: Long-term Conservation Planning for the Eastern Massasauga (Sistrurus catenatus). Illinois Natural History Survey Technical Report 2023(39):1–61.
  • Peterman, W.E., J.A. Crawford, E.J. Kessler, and J.R. Milanovich. 2023. Final Report for NPS Cooperative Agreement P19AC00964: Effects of Wildfire on Salamander Populations in Great Smoky Mountains National Park. Ohio State University Technical Report:1–119.
  • Kuhns, A.R., M.J. Dreslik, J.A. Crawford, and C.A. Phillips. 2023. Final Report for T-125-R-1: Demography of Two Salamander Species in Conservation Need. Illinois Natural History Survey Technical Report 2023(05):1–129.
  • Stewart, T.M., A.R. Kuhns, C.A. Phillips, J.A. Crawford, and M.J. Dreslik. 2023. Estimating the effort required to detect Kirtland’s Snakes (Clonophis kirtlandii). Wildlife Society Bulletin 47:e1498.
  • Crawford, J.A., W.E. Peterman, A.R. Kuhns, and C.A. Phillips. 2023. Effectiveness of rapid sampling assessments of wetland-breeding amphibians. Ecological Indicators 154:110736.
  • Seymoure B, AI Dell, F Hölker & G Kalinkat. 2023. A framework for untangling the consequences of artificial light at night on species interactions. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B 367(1982).
  • Guyon, L., A. Strassman, A. Oines, A. Meier, M. Thomsen, S. Sattler, N. De Jager, E. Hoy, B. Vandermyde, and R. Cosgriff. 2023. Forest canopy gap dynamics: quantifying forest gaps and understanding gap-level forest regeneration in Upper Mississippi River floodplain forests. USACE UMRR Completion Report – LTRM Science in Support of Restoration SOW2019FG5. 73 pp.
  • Guyon, L., and S. Weiss. 2023. UMR Forest Resources Inventory and Analysis – Pool 24. U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Technical Report. 118 p.
  • Haake, D.M., S. Krchma, C.W. Meyners, R. Virag. (2022) Impacts of urbanization on chloride and stream invertebrates: a 10-year citizen science field study of road salt in stormwater runoff. Integrated Environmental Assessment and Management, 18(6), 1667-1677. (doi: 10.1002/ieam.4594)
  • T Turner, H Bart, Jr, F McCormick, A Besser, R Bowes, K Capps, E DeArmon, C Dillman, K Driscoll, A Dugger, G Hamilton, P Harris, D Hendrickson, J Hoffman, JH Knouft, R Lepak, H Lopez-Fernandez, CG Montana, S Newsome, A Pease, W Smith, CA Taylor & R Welicky. 2023. Long-term ecological research in freshwaters enabled by regional biodiversity collections, stable isotope analysis, and environmental informatics. Bioscience 73:479-493.
  • A Hassan Shabbir, J Ji, JW Groninger, GN Gueye, JH Knouft, EJB van Etten & J Zhang. 2023. Climate predicts wildland fire extent across China. Science of the Total Environment  96:164897.
  • M Kuruvilla, A Dell, AR Olson, JH Knouft, JM Grady, J Forbes & AM Berdahl. 2023. The effect of temperature on fish swimming and schooling is context dependent. Oikos 2023:e09202.
  • Sloan, J.J. 2023. Water Resources Inventory, Nutrient Reduction Modelling, and Monitoring Plan for Prairie du Pont / Judy’s Branch Watershed-based Management Plan; Sub-award from HeartLands Conservancy for development of a Watershed-based Management Plan. IEPA 604b Grant Agreement #21PdP01.
  • Shew, J. J. 2023. Land Conservation Specialist Program. Semi-annual and Final Programmatic Reports. USDA-Natural Resources Conservation Service; Cooperative Agreement Award Identifying Number: NR225A12XXXXC006.
  • Shew, J. J. 2023. NGRREC Habitat Strike Team at Natural Heritage Sites. Quarterly Programmatic Reports; Illinois Department of Natural Resources – Division of Natural Heritage; Contract Number: 22NH0224.
  • Shew, J. J. 2023. NGRREC Habitat Strike Team: Supporting the State Wildlife Action Plan on Publicly Accessible Lands in the Confluence Region of Southwestern Illinois. Quarterly Programmatic Reports; 2020 Illinois Department of Natural Resources Habitat Fund; Agreement No. 21-011H.
  • Shew, J. J. 2023. NGRREC Habitat Strike Team: Supporting the State Wildlife Action Plan on Publicly Accessible Lands in the Confluence Region of Southwestern Illinois. Quarterly Programmatic Reports; 2023 Illinois Department of Natural Resources Habitat Fund; Agreement No. 23010H.
  • Phillips, C.A., J.A. Crawford, and A.R.Kuhns. 2022. Field Guide to Amphibians and Reptiles of Illinois, 2nd edition. University of Illinois Press, Champaign, Illinois.
  • Shew, J., N. Morris, S. Chiles, S. Harper, J. Decker, E. DeVeydt, M. Williams, E. Wright, and J. Crawford. 2022. Reducing small mammal mortality in treefrog polyvinyl chloride (PVC) pipe studies. Herpetological Conservation and Biology 17:502–510.
  • Gibert JP, JM Grady & AI Dell. 2022. Food web consequences of thermal asymmetries. Functional Ecology 36(8):1887-1899
  • Guyon, L.J. 2022. Thompson Bend Forest Resources Inventory and Analysis – 2022. U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Technical Report. 69 p.
  • Guyon, L.J., and R.J. Cosgriff. 2022. Japanese Hops (Humulus japonicus) control and management strategies in large river floodplains. Journal of Forestry 120(2): 156-169.
  • JH Knouft. 2022. Freshwater Resources and COVID-19. In: Laituri, M., Richardson, R.B., Kim, J. (eds) The Geographies of COVID-19. Global Perspectives on Health Geography. Springer, Cham.
  • A Botero-Acosta, DL Ficklin, N Ehsani & JH Knouft. 2022. Climate induced changes in streamflow and water temperature in basins across the Atlantic Coast of the United States: An opportunity for nature-based regional management. Journal of Hydrology: Regional Studies 44:101202.
  • T Baraza, NF Hernandez, JN Sebok, C-L Wu, EA Hasenmueller & JH Knouft. 2022. Integrating land cover, point source pollution, and watershed hydrologic processes data to understand the distribution of microplastics in riverbed sediments. Environmental Pollution 2022:119852.
  • Z Liu, L Zhang, JH Knouft & FQ Ling. 2022. Meter-scale variation within a single transect demands attention to taxon accumulation curves in riverine microbiome studies. Frontiers of Environmental Science & Engineering 16:64.
  • Shew, J. J. 2022. Land Conservation Specialist Program. Quarterly Programmatic Reports. USDA-Natural Resources Conservation Service; Cooperative Agreement Award Identifying Number: 68-5A12-18-001.
  • Shew, Justin J; Morris, Nicole; Chiles, Sage; Harper, Simon; Decker, Jacob; DeVeydt, Emma; Williams, McKenzie; Wright, Eric; Crawford, John. 2022. Reducing small mammal mortality in treefrog polyvinyl chloride (PVC) pipe studies. Herpetological Conservation and Biology. 17:502-510
  • Shew, J. J. 2022. Land Conservation Specialist Program. Semi-annual and Final Programmatic Reports. USDA-Natural Resources Conservation Service; Cooperative Agreement Award Identifying Number: NR225A12XXXXC006.
  • Shew, J. J. 2022. NGRREC Habitat Strike Team at Natural Heritage Sites. Quarterly Programmatic Reports; Illinois Department of Natural Resources – Division of Natural Heritage; Contract Number: 20RC113485.
  • Shew, J. J. 2022. NGRREC Habitat Strike Team at Natural Heritage Sites. Quarterly Programmatic Reports; Illinois Department of Natural Resources – Division of Natural Heritage; Contract Number: 22NH0224.
  • Shew, J. J. 2022. NGRREC Habitat Strike Team: Supporting the State Wildlife Action Plan on Publicly Accessible Lands in the Confluence Region of Southwestern Illinois. Quarterly Programmatic Reports; 2020 Illinois Department of Natural Resources Habitat Fund; Agreement No. 21-011H.
  • Crawford, J.A., A.R. Kuhns, C.A. Phillips, and M.J. Dreslik. Final Report for T-112-R-1: Assessment of Herpetological Species in Greatest Conservation Need (SGCN) in Illinois Bottomland Forests and Swamps. NGRREC Technical Report:1–137.
  • Hocking, D.J., J.A. Crawford, W.E. Peterman, and J.R. Milanovich. 2021. Abundance of montane salamanders over an elevational gradient. Ecology and Evolution 11:1378–1391.
  • M Harper, HS Mejbel, D Longert, R Abell, JR Bennett, SM Carlson, W Darwall, AI Dell, S Domisch, D Dudgeon, J Freyhof, I Harrison, KA Hughes, SC Jähnig, JM Jeschke, M Lintermans, AJ Lynch, HMR Meredith, JD Olden, SJ Ormerod, H Patricio, AJ Reid, A Schmidt-Kloiber, M Thieme, D Tickner, E Turak, OLF Weyl, SJ Cooke. 2021. Twenty-five essential research questions to enhance the protection and restoration of freshwater biodiversity. In review at Aquatic Conservation.
  • CS Cloyed, J Grady, V Savage, JC Uyeda, and AI Dell 2021. The allometry of locomotion. Ecology 102(7):03369.
  • DeLong JP, SF Uiterwaal & AI Dell. 2021. Trait-based variation in the foraging performance of individuals. Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution 9:649542
  • Knouft JH, A Botero-Acosta, C-L Wu, B Charry, ML Chu, AI Dell, DM Hall & SJ Herrington. 2021. Forested Riparian Buffers as Climate Adaptation Tools for Management of Riverine Flow and Thermal Regimes: A Case Study in the Meramec River Basin. Sustainability 2021, 13(4), 1877.
  • DR Daversap, RF Hechinger, E Madin, A Fenton, AI Dell, E. Ritchie, J Rohr, VHW Rudolf & KD Lafferty. 2021. Broadening the ecology of fear: non-lethal effects arise from diverse responses to predation and parasitism. Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 288: 20202966.
  • JH Knouft, A Botero-Acosta, CL Wu, B Charry, ML Chu, AI Dell, DM Hall & SJ Herrington. 2021. Forested riparian buffers as climate adaptation tools for management of riverine flow and thermal regimes: a case study in the Meramec River basin. Sustainability 13:1877.
  • CL Wu, S Herrington, B Charry, ML Chu & JH Knouft. 2021. Assessing the potential of riparian reforestation to facilitate watershed climate adaptation. Journal of Environmental Management 277:111431.
  • DM Hall, SJ Gilbertz, MA Anderson, P Avellaneda, DL Ficklin, JH Knouft & CS Lowry. 2021. Mechanisms for engaging social systems in freshwater science research. Freshwater Science 40:245-251.
  • Shew, J. J. 2021. Land Conservation Specialist Program. Quarterly Programmatic Reports. USDA-Natural Resources Conservation Service; Cooperative Agreement Award Identifying Number: 68-5A12-18-001.
  • Shew, Justin J; Nielsen, Clayton K. 2021. Differential effects of policy-based management on obligate and facultative grassland birds. Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment. 319:107-111
  • Shew, J. J. 2021. NGRREC Habitat Strike Team: Supporting the State Wildlife Action Plan on Publicly Accessible Lands in the Confluence Region of Southwestern Illinois. Quarterly and Annual Programmatic Reports; 2019 Illinois Department of Natural Resources Habitat Fund; Agreement No. 19-032H.
  • Shew, J. J. 2021. NGRREC Habitat Strike Team at Natural Heritage Sites. Quarterly Programmatic Reports; Illinois Department of Natural Resources – Division of Natural Heritage; Contract Number: 20RC113485.
  • Shew, J. J. 2021. NGRREC Habitat Strike Team: Supporting the State Wildlife Action Plan on Publicly Accessible Lands in the Confluence Region of Southwestern Illinois. Quarterly Programmatic Reports; 2020 Illinois Department of Natural Resources Habitat Fund; Agreement No. 21-011H.
  • Crawford, J.A., D.J. Hocking, W.E. Peterman, and J.R. Milanovich. 2020. Final Report for AHSLC Research Program: Effects of Wildfire on Salamander Populations in Great Smoky Mountains National Park. NGRREC Technical Report:1–14.
  • Adamovicz, L., D.B. Woodburn, S.V. Herrera, K. Low, C.A. Phillips, A.R. Kuhns, J.A. Crawford, and M.C. Allender. 2020. Characterization of Dermotheca sp. infection in a midwestern state-endangered salamander (Ambystoma platineum) and a co-occurring common species (Ambystoma texanum). Parasitology 147:360–370.
  • Gade, M.R., G.M. Connette, J.A. Crawford, D.J. Hocking, J.C. Maerz, J.R. Milanovich, and W.E. Peterman. 2020. Predicted alteration of terrestrial ectotherm surface activity as a consequence of climate change. Ecology 101:e03154.
  • Crawford, J.A., M.J. Dreslik, S.J. Baker, C.A. Phillips, and W.E. Peterman. 2020. Factors affecting the detection of an imperiled and cryptic species. Diversity 12:177–194.
  • CS Cloyedp, AI Dell. 2020. The body size and temperature dependence of organismal locomotion. Ecology 101 (10), e03114.
  • CS Cloyedp, AI Dell. 2019. Resource distribution and internal factors interact to govern movement of a freshwater snail. Proceedings of the Royal Society B 286.
  • Shipley, Nathan J; Johnson, Dana N; van Riper, Carena J; Stewart, William P; Chu, Maria L; Suski, Cory D; Stein, Jeffrey A; Shew, Justin J. 2020. A deliberative research approach to valuing agro-ecosystem services in a worked landscape. Ecosystem Services. 42:83-101
  • Shew, J. J. 2020. Land Conservation Specialist Program. Quarterly Programmatic Reports. USDA-Natural Resources Conservation Service; Cooperative Agreement Award Identifying Number: 68-5A12-18-001.
  • Dijkstra, M.L., M.J. Corcoran, J.J. Sloan, and B. Lutz. 2020. Assessing Phosphorus Distribution and Bioavailability in Lake Decatur, IL. Lake & Reservoir Management.  36(4):376-390.
  • Sagan, Vasit, K.T Peterson, M. Maimaitijiang, S. Paheding, J. Sloan, B.A. Greeling, S. Maalouf, C. Adams. 2020. Monitoring inland water quality using remote sensing: potential and limitations of spectral indices, bio-optical simulations, machine learning, and cloud computing. Earth Sci. Reviews. 205:103187. 10.1016/j.earscirev.2020.103187.
  • Peterson, K.T., Sagan, V., and Sloan, J.J. 2020. Deep learning-based water quality estimation and anomaly detection using Landsat-8/Sentinel-2 virtual constellation and cloud computing. GIScience & Remote Sensing. DOI:  10.1080/15481603.2020.1738061
  • Lewandowski, Ann M., Mark D. Tomer, Janet Buchanan, Adam Kiel, J.J. Sloan, Lindsay Olson, and Rebecca Power. 2020. Agricultural Conservation Planning Framework: Watershed applications, research opportunities, and training resources. J. Soil Water Cons. doi:10.2489/jswc.2020.00073
  • Sloan, J.J. 2020. Water Resources Inventory, Nutrient Reduction Modelling, and Monitoring Plan for Piasa Creek and Wood River Watershed-based Management Plan; Sub-award from HeartLands Conservancy for development of a Watershed-based Management Plan. IEPA 604b Grant Agreement #604___.
  • Grimm, K.; N. A. Rivera; S. Fredebaugh-Siller; Hsin-Yi Weng; R. E. Warner; C. W. Maddox, and Nohra E. Mateus-Pinilla. 2020. Evidence of Leptospira serovars in wildlife and leptospiral DNA in water sources in a natural area in east-central Illinois, USA. J Wildl. Dis. 56(2):316–327.
  • Warner, R.E., J.W. Walk, and J.R. Herkert. 2020. Chapter 36. Managing farmlands for wildlife. The Wildlife Techniques Manual. Volume 1: Research. Volume 2: Management. 8th ed. Johns Hopkins Press.
  • Shew, J. J. 2020. NGRREC Habitat Strike Team: Supporting the State Wildlife Action Plan on Publicly Accessible Lands in the Confluence Region of Southwestern Illinois. Quarterly and Annual Programmatic Reports; 2019 Illinois Department of Natural Resources Habitat Fund; Agreement No. 19-032H.
  • Shew, J. J. 2020. NGRREC Habitat Strike Team at Natural Heritage Sites. Quarterly Programmatic Reports; Illinois Department of Natural Resources – Division of Natural Heritage; Contract Number: 20RC113485.
  • Kuhns, A.R., K.M. Low, J.A. Crawford, W.E. Peterman, and C.A. Phillips. 2019. Final Report for T-108-R-1: Distribution, Abundance and Recruitment of Amphibian Species in Greatest Need of Conservation in the Vermilion River Conservation Opportunity Area. Illinois Natural History Survey Technical Report 2019(8):1–43.
  • CS Cloyedp, AI Dell. 2019. Resource distribution and internal factors interact to govern movement of a freshwater snail. Proceedings of the Royal Society B 286.
  • JR Rohr, DJ Civitello, JM Cohen, EA Roznik, B Sinervo & AI Dell. 2019. Different metrics of thermal acclimation yield similar effects of latitude, acclimation duration, and body mass on acclimation capacities. Global Change Biology (25)e3–e4.
  • CS Cloyedp, AI Dell, T Hayesu, R Kordas, & E O'Gorman. 2019. Long-term exposure to higher temperature increases the thermal sensitivity of grazer metabolism and movement. Journal of Animal Ecology. 2019:1-12.
  • S Pawar, AI Dell, T Lin, DJ Wieczynski & VM Savage. 2019. Interaction dimensionality scales up to generate bimodal consumer-resource size-ratio distributions in ecological communities. Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution 7(202).
  • JM Gradyp, BS Maitner, AS Winter, K Kaschner, DP Tittensor, S Record, FA Smith, AM Wilson, AI Dell, PL Zarnetske, HJ Wearing, B Alfaro & JH Brown. 2019. Metabolic asymmetry and the global diversity of marine predators. Science 363(6425).
  • SF Uiterwaal, AI Dell & JP DeLong. 2019. Arena size modulates functional responses via behavioral mechanisms. Behavioral Ecology 30(2): 483-489.
  • De Jager, N.R., Van Appledorn, M., Fox, T.J., Rohweder, J.J., Guyon, L.J., Meier, A.W., Cosgriff, R.J., and Vandermyde, B.J. 2019. Spatially explicit modeling of floodplain forest succession: interactions among flood inundation, forest successional processes, and other disturbances in the Upper Mississippi River floodplain, USA. Ecological Modelling 405: 15-32.
  • Shew, Justin J; Nielsen, Clayton K; Sparling, Donald W. 2019. Finer‐scale habitat predicts nest survival in grassland birds more than management and landscape: A multi‐scale perspective. Journal of Applied Ecology. 56: 929-945
  • Shew, J. J. 2019. Land Conservation Specialist Program. Quarterly Programmatic Reports. USDA-Natural Resources Conservation Service; Cooperative Agreement Award Identifying Number: 68-5A12-18-001.
  • Sloan, John J., Peter A.Y. Ampim & Fouad Jaber (2019) Phosphorus and Nitrogen Adsorption by Clinoptilolite Zeolite Coated with Iron-Oxide, Communications in Soil Science and Plant Analysis, 50:20, 2669-2681, DOI: 10.1080/00103624.2019.1671448.
  • Shaughnessy, A. R., Sloan, J. J., Corcoran, M. J., & Hasenmueller, E. A. (2019). Sediments in agricultural reservoirs act as sinks and sources for nutrients over various timescales. Water Resources Research, 55:5985–6000.
  • Peterson, Kyle T., Vasit Sagan, Paheding Sidike, Elizabeth A. Hasenmueller, John J. Sloan, and Jason H. Knouft. 2019. Machine learning based ensemble prediction of water quality variables using feature-level and decision-level fusion with proximal remote sensing. Photogrammetric Engineering & Remote Sensing. 85(4):269-280. doi: 10.14358/PERS.85.4.269
  • Hollis-Etter, K. M., C. L. Anchor, J. E. Chelsvig. J. P. Dubly, and R.E. Warner. 2019. Suburban white-tailed deer seropositive for Toxoplasma gondii from Chicago, Illinois. Parasitology Research 118:2271–2276.
  • Hollis-Etter K.M., R.A. Montgomery, D.R> Etter, C.L. Anchor, J.E. Chelsvig, R.E. Warner et al. 2019. Environmental conditions for Jamestown Canyon virus correlated with population-level resource selection by white-tailed deer in a suburban landscape. PLoS ONE 14(10): e0223582.
  • Shew, J. J. 2019. Southern Illinois Habitat Strike Team. Quarterly Programmatic Reports; Illinois Department of Natural Resources – Illinois Recreational Access Program; Contract Number: R16894005
  • Shew, J. J. 2019. NGRREC Habitat Strike Team: Supporting the State Wildlife Action Plan on Publicly Accessible Lands in the Confluence Region of Southwestern Illinois. Quarterly and Annual Programmatic Reports; 2019 Illinois Department of Natural Resources Habitat Fund; Agreement No. 19-032H.
  • Shew, J. J. 2019. NGRREC Habitat Strike Team at Natural Heritage Sites. Quarterly Programmatic Reports; Illinois Department of Natural Resources – Division of Natural Heritage; Contract Number: 20RC113485.
  • Phillips, C.A., A.R. Kuhns, and J.A. Crawford. 2018. Final Report for T-62-D-1: Monitoring the Impacts of Management Activities on the Illinois Chorus Frog in Central Illinois. Illinois Natural History Survey Report:1–5.
  • Cloyed, C.S., L.R. Cappelli, D.A. Tilson, J.A. Crawford, and A.I. Dell. 2018. Using camera traps to assess mammal and bird assemblages in a Midwestern forest. Journal of Fish and Wildlife Management 9:485–495.
  • Kuhns, A.R., C.A. Phillips, M.J. Dreslik, M.J. Corcoran, and J.A. Crawford. 2018. Agkistrodon piscivorus diet. Herpetological Review 49:332–333.
  • W Darwall, V Bremerich, A De Wever, AI Dell, J Freyhof, K Irvine, C Lu, A M Lewandowska, MT Monaghan, JC Nejstgaard, H Patricio, A Schmidt‐Kloiber, SN Stuart, M Thieme, K Tockner, E Turak, O Weyl. 2018. The Alliance for Freshwater Life: A global call to unite efforts for freshwater biodiversity science and conservation.  Aquatic Conservation: Marine and Freshwater Ecosystems 28(4).
  • CS Cloyedp, LR Cappelliu, DA Tilsonu, JA Crawford & AI Dell. 2018. Using camera traps to assess mammal and bird assemblages in a midwestern forest. Journal of Fish and Wildlife Management.
  • JR Rohr, DJ Civitello, JM Cohen, EA Roznik, B Sinervo, & AI Dell. 2018. The complex drivers of thermal acclimation and breadth in ectotherms. Ecology Letters 21:1425–1439.
  • CS Cloyedp, PK Eason & AI Dell. 2018. The thermal dependence of carbon stable isotope incorporation and trophic discrimination in the domestic cricket, Acheta domesticus. Journal of Insect Physiology 107:34-40.
  • AM Berdahl, AB Kao, A Flack, PAH Westley, EA Codling, ID Couzin, AI Dell & D Biro. 2018. Collective animal navigation and the emergence of migratory culture. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society: B.
  • TC Bonebrake, CJ Brown, JD Bell, J Blanchard, A Chauvenet, C Champion, I-C Chen, T Clark, F Danielsen, AI Dell, JM Donelson, B Evengård, S Frusher, RA Garcia, AJ Hobday, MA Jarzyna, E Lee, J Lenoir, H Linnetved, VY Martin, PC McCormack, J McDonald, N Mitchell, T Mustonen, J Pandolfi, N Pettorelli, H Possingham, P Pulsifer, M Reynolds, BR Scheffers, CJB Sorte, J Strugnell, M-N Tuanmu, S Twiname, A Vergés, E Wapstra, T Wernberg & GT Pecl. (2018). Strategic research directions for climate-driven species redistribution. Biological Reviews 93(1): 284–305
  • Guyon, L.J., and L.L. Battaglia. 2018. Ecological Characteristics of floodplain forest reference sites in the Upper Mississippi River System. Forest Ecology and Management 427: 208-216.
  • Shew, J. J. 2018. Land Conservation Specialist Program. Quarterly Programmatic Reports. USDA-Natural Resources Conservation Service; Cooperative Agreement Award Identifying Number: 68-5A12-18-001.
  • Sloan, J.J. 2018. Water Resources Inventory, Nutrient Reduction Modelling, and Monitoring Plan for Lower Silver Creek Watershed-based Management Plan; Sub-award from HeartLands Conservancy for development of a Watershed-based Management Plan. IEPA 604b Grant Agreement #604164.
  • Sloan, J.J. 2018. Quality Assurance Protocol Plan (QAPP) and Monitoring Summary; Sub-award from HeartLands Conservancy for Upper Silver Creek BMP Implementation Project; IEPA 319 Grant Agreement #3191613
  • Shew, J. J. 2018. Southern Illinois Habitat Strike Team. Quarterly Programmatic Reports; Illinois Department of Natural Resources – Illinois Recreational Access Program; Contract Number: R16894005
  • Crawford, J.A., C.A. Phillips, and A.R. Kuhns. 2017. Final Report for the Forest Preserve District of Cook County: Amphibian Monitoring on FPDCC lands. NGRREC Technical Report:1–9.
  • Crawford, J.A., C.A. Phillips, W.E. Peterman, I.E. MacAllister, N.A. Wesslund, A.R. Kuhns, and M.J. Dreslik. 2017. Chytrid infection dynamics in cricket frogs on military and public lands in the Midwestern United States. Journal of Fish and Wildlife Management 8:344–352.
  • Crawford, J.A., J.A. Tunnage, and E.M. Wright. 2017. Breeding pond occupancy of the ringed salamander (Ambystoma annulatum) in east-central Missouri. American Midland Naturalist 178:151–157.
  • Barrett, K., J.A. Crawford, Z. Reinstein, and J.R. Milanovich. 2017. Detritus quality produces species-specific tadpole growth and survivorship responses in experimental wetlands. Journal of Herpetology 51:227–231.
  • Radanovic, M., J.R. Milanovich, K. Barrett, and J.A. Crawford. 2017. Stable isotopes reveal an invasive plant contributes more than native sources to anuran larvae diets. Journal of Freshwater Ecology 32:328–338.
  • DR Daversap, A Fenton, TWJ Garner, AI Dell & A Manica. (2017). Infections on the move: Infection dynamics during transient phases of host movements underlie patterns of disease spread. Proceedings of the Royal Society of London B: Biological Sciences.
  • MR Hirt, T Lauermanng, U Brose, Noldus LP & AI Dell. (2017). The little things that run - a general scaling of invertebrate exploratory speed with body mass. Ecology. 98(11):2751–2757.
  • Shew, J. J. 2017. Land Conservation Specialist Program. Quarterly Programmatic Reports. USDA-Natural Resources Conservation Service; Cooperative Agreement Award Identifying Number: 68-5A12-18-001.
  • Sloan, John J., Miles J Corcoran, and Rachael A Murtaugh. 2017.  Kaskaskia River Basin Feasibility Study: Final Project Report; Submitted to: State of Illinois Environmental Protection Agency Bureau of Water; Agreement No. KRBFS1701.
  • Shew, J. J. 2017. Southern Illinois Habitat Strike Team. Quarterly Programmatic Reports; Illinois Department of Natural Resources – Illinois Recreational Access Program; Contract Number: R16894005
  • Milanovich, J.R., K. Barrett, and J.A. Crawford. 2016. Detritus quality and locality determines survival and mass, but not export, of wood frogs at metamorphosis. PLoS ONE 11:e0166296.
  • Peterman, W.E., J.A. Crawford, and D.J. Hocking. 2016. Effects of elevation on plethodontid salamander body size. Copeia 104:202–208.
  • Crawford, J.A. 2016. Trade-off between desiccation and predation risk in the Blue-Ridge two-lined salamander (Eurycea wilderae). Copeia 104:21–25.
  • Crawford, J.A., W.E. Peterman, A.R. Kuhns, and L.S. Eggert. 2016. Altered functional connectivity and genetic diversity of a threatened salamander in an agroecosystem. Landscape Ecology 31:2231–2244.
  • B Kraemer, S Chandra, AI Dell, M Dix, E Kuusisto, D Livingstone, G Schladow, E Silow, L Sitoki, R Takmatamah & P McIntyre. (2016). A metabolic approach to understanding global patterns in the response of lake ecosystems to warming. Global Change Biology 23(5):1881-1890.
  • T Biresawp, T Nawaz, J Ferryman & AI Dell. (2016). ViTBAT: Video Tracking and Behavior Annotation Tool. IEEE Advanced Video and Signal-based Surveillance.
  • N Davies, D Field, D Gavaghan, S Holbrook, S Planes, M Troyer, M Bonsai, J Claudet, GK Roderick, R Schmitt, LA Settler, V Berteaux, H Bossin, C Cabasse, A Collin, J Deck, AI Dell, J Dunne, R Gates, M Harfoot, JL Hence, M Hopuare, P Kirch, G Kotoulas, A Kosenkov, JJ Leichter, H Lenihan, A Magoulas, ND Martinez, C Meyer, B Stoll, B Swalla, DM Tartakovsky, HT Murphy, S Turyshev, F Valdvinos, R Williams & S Wood. (2016). Simulating Social-Ecological Systems: the Island Digital Ecosystem Avatars (IDEA) Consortium. GigaScience 5:14.
  • S Pawar, AI Dell, VM Savage and JL Knies. (2016). Experimental artifacts and systematic deviations from the Boltzmann-Arrhenius model of thermal dependence. American Naturalist. 187:2.
  • Guyon, L., J. Sloan, R. Van Essen, & M. Corcoran. 2016. Floodplain Forests and Water Quality in the Upper Mississippi River System – Report to the National Audubon Society. 70 p.
  • Guyon, L. 2016. Japanese Hops Control and Management Project – Final Report. U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Technical Report. 36 p.
  • Royce, E., Shew, J. J., Warner, R.W. 2016. Illinois Conservation Reserve Program (CRP) Initiative Final Programmatic Report. National Fish and Wildlife Foundation – Conservation Partners Program – 2012. Easygrants ID: 35196; NFWF Project ID: 2004.12.035195.
  • Shew, J. J. and Warner, R. W. 2016. Illinois CREP Land Conservation Specialist. Quarterly Programmatic Reporting. Illinois Department of Natural Resources; Contract #: RC16NGRREC.
  • Shew, Justin J; van der Merwe, Jorista; Schauber, Eric M; Tallitsch, Briana K; Nielsen, Clayton K. 2016. A classic question revisited in red-winged blackbirds: disentangling confounding hypotheses surrounding parental investment theory and nest defense intensity. Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology 70: 1843-1856
  • Sloan, J.J., P.A.Y. Ampim, T. Boerth, J.J. Heitholt, and Yingzhe Wu. 2016. Improving the Physical and Chemical Properties of a Disturbed Soil Using Dryingbed Biosolids, Communications in Soil Science and Plant Analysis, 47:1451-1464, DOI: 10.1080/00103624.2016.1179751
  • Sloan, J.J. 2016. Water Quality Review, Nutrient Reduction Modelling, and Monitoring Plan for Upper Silver Creek Watershed-based Management Plan; Sub-award from HeartLands Conservancy for development of a Watershed-based Management Plan. IEPA 604b Grant Agreement #604132.
  • Shew, J. J. 2016. Southern Illinois Habitat Strike Team. Quarterly Programmatic Reports; Illinois Department of Natural Resources – Illinois Recreational Access Program; Contract Number: R16894005
  • Ampim, Peter A.Y., Samuel G.K. Adiku, and John J. Sloan. 2015. Green Roofs: A possible best management practice for Enhancing the Environmental Quality of Ghanaian Cities. African J. Environ. Sci. Technol. 9:701-711, DOI: 10.5897/AJEST2014. 1723.
  • Barnes, A, I-K Speyu, L Rohdeg, U Brose and AI Dell. (2015). Individual behavior mediates effects of warming on movement across a fragmented landscape. Functional Ecology 29:1543–1552.
  • Connette, G.M., J.A. Crawford, and W.E. Peterman. 2015. Climate change and shrinking salamanders: alternative mechanisms for changes in plethodontid salamander size. Global Change Biology 21:2834–2843.
  • Crawford, J.A., A.R. Kuhns, and M.J. Meyer. 2015. Population ecology of the northern slimy salamander (Plethodon glutinosus) in east-central Illinois. Journal of North American Herpetology 2015:17–21.
  • Crawford, J.A., C.A. Phillips, and A.R. Kuhns. 2015. Final Report for U.S. EPA Cooperative Agreement CD00E00963: Assessment of Wetland Quality in Illinois Conservation Areas. Illinois Natural History Survey Technical Report 2015(9):1–204.
  • Dell, AI, L Zhao, RG Pearson & RA Alford. (2015). Population and community size structure across a complex environmental landscape. Advances in Ecological Research 52:117-167.
  • Gilbert, JP, AI Dell, J Delong and S Pawar. (2015). Scaling up individual trait variation to community dynamics. Advances in Ecological Research 52:1-17.
  • JP DeLong, B Gilbert, JB Shuring, VM Savage, CF Clements, AI Dell, HS Greig, CDG Harley, P Kratina, KS McCann, TD Tunney, DV Vasseur, & MI O'Connor (2015). The body-size dependence of trophic cascades. American Naturalist 185(3):354-366.
  • J Schramzki, AI Dell, JM Grady, JH Brown and R Sibly. (2015). Metabolic theory predicts whole-ecosystem properties. Proceedings of the National Academy of Science, USA 112(8):2617-2622.
  • Kalinkat, G, M Jochum, U Brose & AI Dell. (2015). Body size and the behavioral ecology of insects: linking individuals to ecological communities. Current Opinion in Insect Science 9:24-30
  • Kessler, E.J., A.R. Kuhns, C.M. Rhoden, C.A. Phillips, C.E. Cook, A.K. Keigher, and J.A. Crawford. 2015. New county records of reptiles and amphibians from state-managed properties in Illinois. Herpetological Review 46:603–604.
  • Milanovich, J.R., D.J. Hocking, W.E. Peterman, and J.A. Crawford. 2015. Non-detrimental effects of trails when sampling terrestrial salamanders for density and detection: a case study in Great Smoky Mountains National Park. Natural Areas Journal 35:590–598.
  • Olson, K. J. Mathews, L. Wright Morton, and J.J. Sloan.  2015.  Impact of levee breaches, flooding, and land scouring on soil productivity.  J. Soil Water Cons. 70:9A-15A
  • Pawar, S, AI Dell and VM Savage. (2015). Scaling up metabolic constraints on individuals to the evolutionary-ecology of ecosystems. In Aquatic functional biodiversity, A Belgrano, G Woodward and U Jacob (editors)
  • Zlesak, D.C., Harp, D.A., Zuzek, K., Sloan, J.J., Owings, A. and George, S.W. 2015. Earth-Kind® Rose Trialing: An International Model for the Identification of Regionally-Adapted Landscape Roses. Acta Hort. (ISHS) 1064:123-129
  • Crawford, J.A., A.R. Kuhns, and P. Mettler-Cherry. 2014. Final Report for U.S. EPA Cooperative Agreement CD00E00730: Ecological Assessment of Created Wetlands in Illinois. Illinois Natural History Survey Technical Report 2014(20):1–200.
  • Guyon, L., C. Deutsch, J. Lundh, and R. Urich. 2012. Upper Mississippi River Systemic Forest Stewardship Plan. U.S. Army Corps of Engineers. 124 p.
  • Rydzewski J, Mateus-Pinilla NE, Warner RE, Nelson JA, Velat TC. 2012. Ixodes scapularis (Acari: Ixodidae) distribution surveys in the Chicago metropolitan region. Journal of Medical Entomology. 49(4):955-9.
  • Fredebaugh SL, Mateus-Pinilla NE, McAllister M, Warner RE, Weng H. 2011. Prevalence of antibody to Toxoplasma gondii in terrestrial wildlife in a natural area. Journal of Wildlife Diseases. 47(2):381-92
  • Horn JA, Mateus-Pinilla NE, Warner RE, Heske EJ. 2011. Home range, habitat use, and activity patterns of free-roaming domestic cats. Journal of Wildlife Management. 75(5): 1177-1185
  • Rydzweski J, Mateus-Pinilla N, Warner RE, Hamer S, Weng H. 2011. Ixodes scapularis and Borrelia burgdorferi among diverse habitats within a natural area in East-cental Illinois. Vector-borne and Zoonotic Diseases. 11(10) :1351-1358.
  • Guyon, L. 2010. Reno Bottoms Forest Restoration Project – Project Implementation Report with Integrated Environmental Assessment. U.S. Army Corps of Engineers. 69 p.
  • Namwamba, F., and L. Guyon. 2009. Wilkinson Island Vegetation Survey – Landuse/Landcover Assessment and Field Data Summary Report. U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, St. Louis District.
  • Guyon, L. 2008. At the Confluence: The National Great Rivers Research and Education Center. The Illinois Steward 17(3): 27-32.
  • Guyon, L. 2006. Managing Riparian Forest Buffers. The Illinois Steward 15(2): 27-28.

Past Grants

  • Crawford, John; Illinois Department of Natural Resources, Informed adaptive management and habitat restoration prioritization for the conservation of Eastern Massasauga.
  • Crawford, John; Illinois Department of Natural Resources, Population assessment and space use in a Kankakee Sands Region Blanding's Turtle population.
  • Crawford, John; Illinois Department of Natural Resources, Status assessment of odonates in Illinois.
  • Crawford, John; United States Environmental Protection Agency, Improving detection of cryptic forested wetlands with Lidar derivatives.
  • Crawford, John; Illinois Department of Natural Resources, Population demography of bird-voiced treefrogs in Southern Illinois.
  • Dell, Anthony; National Science Foundation, Macrosystems: Using NEON data to elucidate the ecological effects of global environmental change on phenology across time and space.
  • Dell, Anthony; National Science Foundation Research Experience for Undergraduates, Wetland science in the modern world.
  • Dell, Anthony; Phillips 66, Microplastics Initiative: The Science of Plastic Pollution in the Mississippi Basin and Beyond.
  • Dell, Anthony; TGI, Forest Park Living Lab Geospace.
  • Guyon, Lyle; United State Army Corps of Engineers, Forest Resources Inventory and Analysis.
  • Sloan, Dell; Heartlands Conservancy (Illinois EPA 604(b), Watershed Planning Grant for Prairie du Pont Watershed.
  • Mandeville, Jennifer; Enbridge Energy Services, NGRREC Water Festival.
  • Mandeville, Jennifer; Illinois American Water, NGRREC Water Festival.
  • Mandeville, Jennifer; Swarovski Foundation, Swarovski Waterschool USA.
  • Monroe, Amy; Monticello Foundation, NGRREC Internship Program.
  • NGRREC; Illinois Environmental Protection Agency, Annual State Appropriation.
  • Shew, Justin; Natural Resources Conservation Service, Land Conservation Specialist Technical Assistance Program.
  • Shew, Justin; Illinos Recreational Access Program, Habitat Strike Team Program.
  • Warner, Richard; Walton Family Foundation, Great Lakes to Gulf.
  • Warner, Richard; Illinois Department of Natural Resources, Bolstering Relevance/Public Understanding of Illinois Hunting/Trapping Regulations.
Total NGRREC grant funding 2023: $6,784,957.00
  • Crawford, John; Illinois Department of Natural Resources, Informed adaptive management and habitat restoration prioritization for the conservation of Eastern Massasauga.
  • Crawford, John; Illinois Department of Natural Resources, Population assessment and space use in a Kankakee Sands Region Blanding's Turtle population.
  • Crawford, John; Illinois Department of Natural Resources, Status assessment of odonates in Illinois.
  • Crawford, John; United States Environmental Protection Agency, Improving detection of cryptic forested wetlands with Lidar derivatives.
  • Crawford, John; Illinois Department of Natural Resources, Population demography of bird-voiced treefrogs in Southern Illinois.
  • Crawford, John; Illinois Department of Natural Resources, Demography of two salamander species in conservation need.
  • Crawford, John; Illinois Department of Natural Resources, Assessing the status of key Blanding's turtle populations.
  • Dell, Anthony; Washington University-St. Louis, Living Earth Collaborative-Artificial life at night.
  • Dell, Anthony; National Science Foundation: Macrosystems: Using NEON data to elucidate the ecological effects of global environmental change on phenology across time and space.
  • Dell, Anthony; National Science Foundation Research Experience for Undergraduates, Wetland science in the modern world.
  • Guyon, Lyle; United States Army Corps of Engineers, Forest Response to Multiple Large-Scale Inundation Events.
  • Guyon, Lyle; United States Army Corps of Engineers and United States Geological Survery, Forest Resources Inventory and Analysis.
  • Haake, Danelle; CUAHSI, Let's Talk About Water, Mussel Grubbing.
  • Mandeville, Jennifer; Illinois American Water, NGRREC Water Festival.
  • Mandeville, Jennifer; Swarovski Foundation, Swarovski Waterschool USA.
  • Mandeville, Jennifer; CUAHSI, Kids on the River.
  • Monroe, Amy; Monticello Foundation, NGRREC Internship Program.
  • NGRREC; Illinois Environmental Protection Agency, Annual State Appropriation.
  • Sloan, Dell; Heartlands Conservancy (Illinois EPA 604(b), Watershed Planning Grant for Prairie du Pont Watershed.
  • Shew, Justin; Natural Resources Conservation Service, Land Conservation Specialist Technical Assistance Program.
  • Shew, Justin; Illinos Recreational Access Program, Habitat Strike Team Program.
  • Warner, Richard; Walton Family Foundation, Great Lakes to Gulf.
  • Warner, Richard; Illinois Department of Natural Resources, Bolstering Relevance/Public Understanding of Illinois Hunting/Trapping Regulations.
Total NGRREC grant funding 2022: $6,319,394.00
  • Crawford, John; Illinois Department of Natural Resources, Informed adaptive management and habitat restoration prioritization for the conservation of Eastern Massasauga.
  • Crawford, John; Illinois Department of Natural Resources, Population assessment and space use in a Kankakee Sands Region Blanding's Turtle population.
  • Crawford, John; Illinois Department of Natural Resources, Status assessment of odonates in Illinois.
  • Crawford, John; United States Environmental Protection Agency, Improving detection of cryptic forested wetlands with Lidar derivatives.
  • Crawford, John; Illinois Department of Natural Resources, Population demography of bird-voiced treefrogs in Southern Illinois.
  • Crawford, John; Illinois Department of Natural Resources, Demography of two salamander species in conservation need.
  • Crawford, John; Illinois Department of Natural Resources, Assessing the status of key Blanding's turtle populations.
  • Crawford, John; National Park Service, Effects of wildfire on salamander populations in Great Smoky Mountains National Park.
  • Crawford, John; Illinois Department of Natural Resources, Conservation actions for dragonfly, fish, and reptile species in greatest conservation need.
  • Dell, Anthony; National Science Foundation, Metabolic Asymmetry.
  • Dell, Anthony; Washington University-St. Louis, Living Earth Collaborative-Artificial life at night.
  • Dell, Anthony; National Science Foundation: Macrosystems: Using NEON data to elucidate the ecological effects of global environmental change on phenology across time and space.
  • Dell, Anthony; National Science Foundation Research Experience for Undergraduates, Wetland science in the modern world.
  • Guyon, Lyle; United States Army Corps of Engineers and United States Geological Survey, Reforesting Upper Mississippi River System Forest Canopy Openings Occupied by Invasive Species.
  • Guyon, Lyle; United States Army Corps of Engineers and United States Geological Survey, Forest Response to Multiple Large-Scale Inundation Events.
  • Guyon, Lyle; United State Army Corps of Engineers, Forest Resources Inventory and Analysis.
  • Haake, Danelle; Living Earth Collaborative, Biodiversity of Freshwater Mussels of the Upper Sangamon River-Community Science in Action.
  • NGRREC; Illinois Environmental Protection Agency, Annual State Appropriation.
  • NGRREC Education; Swarovski Foundation, Swarovski Waterschool USA.
  • NGRREC Education; Monticello College Foundation, NGRREC Internship Program.
  • Sloan, John; Heartlands Conservancy (Illinois EPA 604(b), Watershed Planning Grant for Prairie du Pont Watershed.
  • Sloan, John; Heartlands Conservancy (Illinois EPA 319(h) Watershed BMP Implementation Grant / Upper Silver Creek BMP Implementation.
  • Shew, Justin; Illinois Department of Natural Resources Habitat Fund, Habitat Strike Team Program.
  • Shew, Justin; Natural Resources Conservation Service, Land Conservation Specialist Technical Assistance Program.
  • Shew, Justin; Illinos Recreational Access Program, Habitat Strike Team Program.
  • Warner, Richard; Walton Family Foundation, Great Lakes to Gulf.
  • Warner, Richard; Illinois Department of Natural Resources, Bolstering Relevance/Public Understanding of Illinois Hunting/Trapping Regulations.
  • Warner, Richard: McKnight Foundation, Great Lakes to Gulf.
Total NGRREC grant funding 2021: $4,235,183.00
  • Crawford, John; Illinois Department of Natural Resources, Long-term conservation planning for the eastern massasauga.
  • Crawford, John; United States Environmental Protection Agency, Improving detection of cryptic forested wetlands with Lidar derivatives.
  • Crawford, John; Illinois Department of Natural Resources, Population demography of bird-voiced treefrogs in Southern Illinois.
  • Crawford, John; Illinois Department of Natural Resources, Demography of two salamander species in conservation need.
  • Crawford, John; Illinois Department of Natural Resources, Assessing the status of key Blanding's turtle populations.
  • Crawford, John; National Park Service, Effects of wildfire on salamander populations in Great Smoky Mountains National Park.
  • Crawford, John; Illinois Department of Natural Resources, Conservation actions for dragonfly, fish, and reptile species in greatest conservation need.
  • Crawford, John; Illinois Department of Natural Resources, Critical conservation issues and adaptive management of imperiled herpetofauna in Illinois .
  • Dell, Anthony; National Science Foundation, Metabolic Asymmetry.
  • Guyon, Lyle; Natural Resources Conservation Service, Technical Assistance for Conservation Reserve Program and Wetland Reserve Easement Program.
  • Guyon, Lyle; United States Army Corps of Engineers and United States Geological Survey; Floodplain Forest Canopy Gap Dynamics in the Upper Mississippi River System.
  • Guyon, Lyle; United States Army Corps of Engineers, Reforesting Upper Mississippi River System Forest Canopy Openings Occupied by Invasive Species.
  • Guyon, Lyle; United States Army Corps of Engineers and united States Geological Survey, Forest Response to Multiple Large-Scale Inundation Events.
  • NGRREC; Illinois Environmental Protection Agency, Annual State Appropriation.
  • NGRREC Education; Swarovski Foundation, Swarovski Waterschool USA.
  • NGRREC Education; Monticello College Foundation, NGRREC Internship Program.
  • Shew, Justin; Illinois Department of Natural Resources Habitat Fund, Habitat Strike Team Program.
  • Shew, Justin; Natural Resources Conservation Service, Land Conservation Specialist Technical Assistance Program.
  • Shew, Justin; Illinos Recreational Access Program, Habitat Strike Team Program.
  • Sloan, John; Heartlands Conservancy (Illinois EPA 319(h) Watershed BMP Implementation Grant / Upper Silver Creek BMP Implementation.
  • Sloan, John; Heartlands Conservancy (Illinois EPA 604(b) Watershed Planning Grant for Wood River and Piasa Creek Watersheds. Heartlands Conservancy (Illinois EPA 319(h).
  • Warner, Richard; Walton Family Foundation, Great Lakes to Gulf.
  • Warner, Richard; Illinois Department of Natural Resources, Bolstering Relevance/Public Understanding of Illinois Hunting/Trapping Regulations.
  • Warner, Richard: McKnight Foundation, Great Lakes to Gulf.
Total NGRREC grant funding 2020: $3,927,210.00
  • Crawford, John; Illinois Department of Natural Resources, Long-term conservation planning for the eastern massasauga.
  • Crawford, John; National Park Service, Effects of wildfire on salamander populations in Great Smoky Mountains National Park.
  • Crawford, John; Illinois Department of Natural Resources, Critical conservation issues and adaptive management of imperiled herpetofauna in Illinois .
  • Crawford, John; Illinois Department of Natural Resources, Conservation actions for dragonfly, fish, and reptile species in greatest conservation need.
  • Crawford, John; Illinois Department of Natural Resources, Assessment of herpetological species in greatest need of conservation.
  • Dell, Anthony; National Science Foundation, Metabolic Asymmetry.
  • Guyon, Lyle; Natural Resources Conservation Service, Technical Assistance for Conservation Reserve Program and Wetland Reserve Easement Program.
  • Guyon, Lyle; United States Army Corps of Engineers and United States Geological Survey; Floodplain Forest Canopy Gap Dynamics in the Upper Mississippi River System.
  • Guyon, Lyle; United States Army Corps of Engineers, Reforesting Upper Mississippi River System Forest Canopy Openings Occupied by Invasive Species.
  • Guyon, Lyle; United States Army Corps of Engineers and United States Geological Survey, Forest Response to Multiple Large-Scale Inundation Events.
  • NGRREC; Illinois Environmental Protection Agency, Annual State Appropriation.
  • NGRREC Education; Swarovski Foundation, Swarovski Waterschool USA.
  • NGRREC Education; Monticello College Foundation, NGRREC Internship Program.
  • NGRREC Education; National Recreation Foundation
  • Shew, Justin; Illinois Department of Natural Resources Habitat Fund, Habitat Strike Team Program.
  • Shew, Justin; Natural Resources Conservation Service, Land Conservation Specialist Technical Assistance Program.
  • Shew, Justin; Illinos Recreational Access Program, Habitat Strike Team Program.
  • Sloan, John; Heartlands Conservancy (Illinois EPA 604(b) Watershed Planning Grant for Wood River and Piasa Creek Watersheds.
  • Sloan, John; Heartlands Conservancy (Illinois EPA 604(b) Watershed Planning Grant for the Lower Silver Creek Watershed.
  • Sloan, John; Heartlands Conservancy (Illinois EPA 319(h) Watershed BMP Implementation Grant / Upper Silver Creek BMP Implementation.
  • Warner, Richard; Walton Family Foundation, Great Lakes to Gulf.
  • Warner, Richard: McKnight Foundation, Great Lakes to Gulf.
Total NGRREC grant funding 2019: $3,825,573.00
  • Crawford, John; Illinois Department of Natural Resources, Critical conservation issues and adaptive management of imperiled herpetofauna in Illinois .
  • Crawford, John; Illinois Department of Natural Resources, Conservation actions for dragonfly, fish, and reptile species in greatest conservation need.
  • Crawford, John; Illinois Department of Natural Resources, Assessment of herpetological species in greatest need of conservation.
  • Crawford, John; Illinois Department of Natural Resources, Distribution, abundance and recruitment of amphibian SGNC from the Vermilion River Conservation Opportunity Area.
  • Crawford, John; Illinois Department of Natural Resources, Monitoring the impacts of management activities on the Illinois Chorus Frog in Central Illinois.
  • Dell, Anthony; National Geographic, How real ecosystems work.
  • Guyon, Lyle; United States Army Corps of Engineers, Forest Resources Inventory and Analysis.
  • Guyon, Lyle; Natural Resources Conservation Service, Technical Assistance for Conservation Reserve Program and Wetland Reserve Easement Program.
  • Guyon, Lyle; Natural Resources Conservation Service, Conservation Reserve Program Initiative.
  • Guyon, Lyle and John Sloan; Heartlands Conservancy, Upper Silver Creek water quality monitoring.
  • NGRREC; Illinois Environmental Protection Agency, Annual State Appropriation.
  • NGRREC Education; Swarovski Foundation, Swarovski Waterschool USA.
  • NGRREC Education; Monticello College Foundation, NGRREC Internship Program.
  • NGRREC Education; Environmental Educator Association of Illinois
  • Shew, Justin; Natural Resources Conservation Service, Land Conservation Specialist Technical Assistance Program.
  • Shew, Justin; Illinos Recreational Access Program, Habitat Strike Team Program.
  • Sloan, John; Heartlands Conservancy (Illinois EPA 604(b) Watershed Planning Grant for Wood River and Piasa Creek Watersheds.
  • Sloan, John; Heartlands Conservancy (Illinois EPA 604(b) Watershed Planning Grant for the Lower Silver Creek Watershed.
  • Sloan, John; Heartlands Conservancy (Illinois EPA 319(h) Watershed BMP Implementation Grant / Upper Silver Creek BMP Implementation.
  • Warner, Richard; Walton Family Foundation, Great Lakes to Gulf.
  • Warner, Richard: McKnight Foundation, Great Lakes to Gulf.
Total NGRREC grant funding 2018: $2,624,216.00
  • Crawford, John; Illinois Department of Natural Resources, Critical conservation issues and adaptive management of imperiled herpetofauna in Illinois.
  • Crawford, John; Illinois Department of Natural Resources, Assessment of herpetological species in greatest need of conservation.
  • Crawford, John; Illinois Department of Natural Resources, Distribution, abundance and recruitment of amphibian SGNC from the Vermilion River Conservation Opportunity Area.
  • Crawford, John; Illinois Department of Natural Resources, Monitoring the impacts of management activities on the Illinois Chorus Frog in Central Illinois.
  • Dell, Anthony; National Geographic, How real ecosystems work.
  • Guyon, Lyle; United States Army Corps of Engineers, Forest Resources Inventory and Analysis.
  • Guyon, Lyle; Natural Resources Conservation Service, Technical Assistance for Conservation Reserve Program and Wetland Reserve Easement Program.
  • Guyon, Lyle; Natural Resources Conservation Service, Conservation Reserve Program Initiative.
  • NGRREC; Illinois Environmental Protection Agency, Annual State Appropriation.
  • NGRREC Education; Swarovski Foundation, Swarovski Waterschool USA.
  • NGRREC Education; Monticello College Foundation, NGRREC Internship Program.
  • Shew, Justin; Natural Resources Conservation Service, Land Conservation Specialist Technical Assistance Program.
  • Shew, Justin; Illinois Recreational Access Program, Habitat Strike Team Program.
  • Sloan, John; Kaskaskia River Basin Feasibility Study Support. Agreement No. KRBFS1701
  • Sloan, John; Heartlands Conservancy (Illinois EPA 604(b) Watershed Planning Grant for the Lower Silver Creek Watershed.
  • Sloan, John; Heartlands Conservancy (Illinois EPA 319(h) Watershed BMP Implementation Grant / Upper Silver Creek BMP Implementation.
  • Warner, Richard; Walton Family Foundation, Great Lakes to Gulf.
Total NGRREC grant funding 2017: $2,481,585.00
  • Crawford, John; Illinois Department of Natural Resources, Distribution, abundance and recruitment of amphibian SGNC from the Vermilion River Conservation Opportunity Area.
  • Crawford, John; Illinois Department of Natural Resources, Monitoring the impacts of management activities on the Illinois Chorus Frog in Central Illinois.
  • Crawford, John; Forest Preserve District of Cook County, Distribution and population ecology of the blue spotted salamander in Cook County forest preserves.
  • Dell, Anthony; National Geographic, How real ecosystems work.
  • Guyon, Lyle; United States Army Corps of Engineers, Japanese Hops Control and Management.
  • Guyon, Lyle; United States Army Corps of Engineers, Forest Resources Inventory and Analysis.
  • Guyon, Lyle; Natural Resources Conservation Service, Conservation Reserve Program Initiative.
  • Guyon, Lyle and John Sloan; Heartland Conservancy, Upper Silver Creek water quality monitoring.
  • NGRREC; Illinois Environmental Protection Agency, Annual State Appropriation.
  • NGRREC Education; Swarovski Foundation, Swarovski Waterschool USA.
  • Shew, Justin; Natural Resources Conservation Service, Land Conservation Specialist Technical Assistance Program.
  • Shew, Justin; Illinois Recreational Access Program, Habitat Strike Team Program.
  • Sloan, John; Kaskaskia River Basin Feasibility Study Support. Agreement No. KRBFS1701
  • Sloan, John and Lyle Guyon; National Audobon Society, Floodplain Forests and Water Quality in the Upper Mississippi River System.
  • Warner, Richard; Illinois Department of Natural Resources, Optimize Farm Bill Conservation Practices for Water Quality and Habitat Restoration Goal in Illinois, CREP Program.
  • Warner, Richard; Walton Family Foundation, Great Lakes to Gulf.
Total NGRREC grant funding 2016: $918,048.00
  • Guyon, Lyle; United States Army Corps of Engineers, Japanese Hops Control and Management.
  • Guyon, Lyle; United States Army Corps of Engineers, Forest Resources Inventory and Analysis.
  • Guyon, Lyle; Natural Resources Conservation Service, Conservation Reserve Program Initiative.
  • NGRREC; Illinois Environmental Protection Agency, Annual State Appropriation.
  • NGRREC Education; Illinois Environmental Protection Agency, SCALE grant
  • NGRREC Education; Illinois American Water
  • NGRREC Education; Monticello College Foundation, NGRREC internships
  • Sloan, John; Heartland Conservancy (Illinois EPA 604(b) Watershed Planning grant Upper Silver Creek Watershed-based Plan.
  • Warner, Richard; Illinois Department of Natural Resources, Optimize Farm Bill Conservation Practices for Water Quality and Habitat Restoration Goals in Illinois, CREP Program.
  • Warner, Richard; Walton Family Foundation, Great Lakes to Gulf.
Total NGRREC grant funding 2015: $1,625,335.00
  • Guyon, Lyle; United States Army Corps of Engineers, Japanese Hops Control and Management.
  • Guyon, Lyle; United States Army Corps of Engineers, Forest Resources Inventory and Analysis.
  • Guyon, Lyle; Natural Resources Conservation Service, Conservation Reserve Program Initiative.
  • NGRREC; Illinois Environmental Protection Agency, Annual State Appropriation.
  • NGRREC Education; Illinois Environmental Protection Agency, LEAP grant
  • NGRREC Education; Illinois Environmental Protection Agency, SCALE grant
  • NGRREC Education; Monticello College Foundation, NGRREC internships
  • Sloan, John; Heartland Conservancy (Illinois EPA 604(b) Watershed Planning grant) Upper Silver Creek Watershed-based Plan.
  • Sloan, John; United States Water Alliance, Preparation of nutrient fact sheets for the Mississippi River corridor states.
  • Warner, Richard; Illinois Department of Natural Resources, Monitoring wildlife benefits of private-lands programs in Illinois: evaluating current conditions and strategies for future management.
  • Warner, Richard; Illinois Department of Natural Resources, Optimize Farm Bill Conservation Practices for Water Quality and Habitat Restoration Goals in Illinois, CREP Program.
  • Warner, Richard; Illinois Environmental Protection Agency, 319(h) Clean Water Act Private Lands Watershed Coordinators.
  • Warner, Richard; National Fish and Wildlife Foundation, Illinois Conservation Reserve Enhancement (CREP) Initiative.
  • Warner, Richard; Walton Family Foundation, Great Lakes to Gulf
Total NGRREC grant funding 2014: $2,029,917.00
  • Guyon, Lyle; United States Army Corps of Engineers, Japanese Hops Control and Management.
  • Guyon, Lyle; Natural Resources Conservation Service, Technical Assistance for Conservation Reserve Program and Environmental Quality Incentives Program.
  • Guyon, Lyle; United States Army Corps of Engineers, Forest Resources Inventory and Analysis.
  • Guyon, Lyle; Natural Resources Conservation Service, Conservation Reserve Program Initiative.
  • NGRREC Education; Illinois Environmental Protection Agency, SCALE grant
  • NGRREC Education; Monticello College Foundation, NGRREC internships.
  • Sloan, John; Heartland Conservancy (Illinois EPA 604(b) Watershed Planning grant) / Upper Silver Creek Watershed-based Plan.
  • Warner, Richard; Illinois Department of Natural Resources, Monitoring wildlife benefits of private-lands programs in Illinois: evaluating current conditions and strategies for future management.
  • Warner, Richard; Illinois Department of Natural Resources, Optimize Farm Bill Conservation Practices for Water Quality and Habitat Restoration Goals in Illinois, CREP Program.
  • Warner, Richard; Illinois Environmental Protection Agency, 319(h) Clean Water Act Private Lands Watershed Coordinators.
  • Warner, Richard; National Fish and Wildlife Foundation, Illinois Conservation Reserve Enhancement CREP Initiative.
Total NGRREC grant funding 2013: $1,204,012.00
  • Guyon, Lyle; United States Army Corps of Engineers, Japanese Hops Control and Management.
  • Guyon, Lyle; Natural Resources Conservation Service, Technical Assistance for Conservation Reserve Program and Environmental Quality Incentives Program.
  • Guyon, Lyle; United States Army Corps of Engineers, Forest Resources Inventory and Analysis.
  • NGRREC; Illinois Environmental Protection Agency, SCALE
  • NGRREC; Illinois American Water
  • Warner, Richard; Illinois Department of Natural Resources, Monitoring wildlife benefits of private-lands programs in Illinois: evaluating current conditions and strategies for future management.
  • Warner, Richard; Illinois Department of Natural Resources, Optimize Farm Bill Conservation Practices for Water Quality and Habitat Restoration Goals in Illinois, CREP Program.
  • Warner, Richard; Illinois Department of Natural Resources, Living with Wildlife: A proactive Strategy to Address Human-Wildlife Issues in Illinois W-147-T.
  • Warner, Richard; Illinois Department of Natural Resources, Federal Financial Assistance Amendment: Pittman-Robertson Project W-147-T-6.
  • Warner, Richard; Illinois Environmental Protection Agency, 319(h) Clean Water Act Private Lands Watershed Coordinators.
  • Warner, Richard; National Fish and Wildlife Foundation, Illinois Conservation Reserve Enhancement (CREP) Initiative.
  • Warner, Richard; Walton Family Foundation, Great Lakes to Gulf
Total NGRREC grant funding 2012: $1,301,414.00
  • Guyon, Lyle; Great Rivers Land Trust, Palisades Hill Prairie Project.
  • Guyon, Lyle; Natural Resources Conservation Service, American Recovery and Reinvestment Act Floodplain Easement and Vegetative Resortation.
  • Guyon, Lyle; United States Army Corps of Engineers, Japanese Hops Control and Management.
  • Guyon, Lyle; Natural Resources Conservation Service, Technical Assistance for Conservation Reserve Program and Environmental Quality Incentives Program.
  • NGRREC; Illinois Environmental Protection Agency, SCALE
  • NGRREC; Illinois Environmental Protection Agency, Participative Education in Environmental Conflict Resolution.
  • NGRREC; Illinois Department of Commerce and Economic Opportunity, Illinois Community College Sustainability Network.
  • Warner, Richard; Illinois Department of Natural Resources, Living with Wildlife: A proactive Strategy to Address Human-Wildlife Issues in Illinois W-147-T.
  • Warner, Richard; Walton Family Foundation, Great Lakes to Gulf
Total NGRREC grant funding 2011: $757,485.00
  • Guyon, Lyle; Great Rivers Land Trust, Palisades Hill Prairie Project.
  • Guyon, Lyle; United States Army Corps of Engineers, Forest Resources Inventory and Analysis.
  • Guyon, Lyle; Natural Resources Conservation Service, American Recovery and Reinvestment Act FPE Vegetative Restoration.
  • NGRREC; Illinois Department of Commerce and Economic Opportunity, Illinois Community College Sustainability Network.
  • Warner, Richard; Walton Family Foundation, Great Lakes to Gulf
Total NGRREC grant funding 2010: $224,127.00
  • Guyon, Lyle; United State Army Corps of Engineers, Forest Resources Inventory and Analysis.
  • NGRREC; Illinois Department of Commerce and Economic Opportunity, Illinois Community College Sustainability Network.
  • NGRREC; State of Illinois, Capital Appropriation for Jerry F. Costello Field Station.
Total NGRREC grant funding 2009: $16,437,627.00
  • NGRREC; Illinois Environmental Protection Agency, SCALE grant
  • NGRREC; Illinois Department of Commerce and Economic Opportunity, Illinois Community College Sustainability Network.
Total NGRREC grant funding 2008: $80,500.00
  • NGRREC; State of Illinois, Capital Appropriation for Jerry F. Costello Field Station.
Total NGRREC grant funding 2006: $6,800,000.00
  • NGRREC; Federal appropriation, Jerry F. Costello Federal Appropriation
Total NGRREC grant funding 2004: $1,300,000.00
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